If you are looking to purchase an Iphone5 you better hope that your contract is either up for renewal or you are a new customer. Whether you want it for At&t, Sprint or Verizon the prices will be similar. However I have found over time that the best place to actually purchase your phone is not necessarily at the corresponding stores but rather at retail electronics stores such as Bestbuy.
The reason for that is simple. Stores such as Bestbuy are able to match prices, offers and also have leeway to adjust pricing according to the carrier that you select. And even better they sometimes offer lower prices than the carrier and also have allot more accessories for the phones which they can also provide you at great discounts compared to carrier stores.
So if you are looking into purchasing the newest iPhone this holiday season then simply click the link above and you will be taken to the Bestbuy website where you can see the current offers from all of the Carriers that offer the Iphone. And even better you can compare all of the carriers and there offers in one simple place.